
Social contribution

Product responsibility

Charitable donation

JDU Manufacturing Co. Ltd. views its employees as its valuable asset, upholding the initial promise of helping employees to grow and develop together with the company
V.O.W. is a human resource development plan created by the company, divided into various categories and aspects to care for employees’ physical and psychological needs at different phases and times, and helps with their physical and mental development. We have also designed and implemented P.A.C.E. and HER with our clients, to help in the balanced development of employees. Women are the foundation of the textile industry, JDU has placed its efforts to develop the Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement for Women. Since 2016, JDU has been involved with Gap Inc.’s Global Education and Life Skills Training Program, P.A.C.E.(Personal Advancement & Career Enhancement). Over the program's lifetime, over 500,000 women and girls have completed the program. Currently, 1,500 women have completed the factory implemented P.A.C.E. program. We are pleased to have joined with and invested in the P.A.C.E. program that helps empower an adolescent female to be more confident, resourceful and able to plan for their future life.P.A.C.E. help female employees with communication, problem solving, time management courses so that they can change their lives for the better. HER use partner education where female employees and learn healthier way of living and other related concepts. There are also other programs that help with workplace communication, listening to employee feedback, birthday celebrations and so forth. All these are to help create a work environment that our employees will enjoy working in.